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Joining Us

Who Can Join?

Boys & Girls who are presently enrolled in kindergarten up through fifth grade.

Joining the Pack

If you are ready to join our Cub Scout Pack, you can register at https://BeAScout.org.  Search for Pack 0727 and click APPLY NOW.

You will then provide information on your Scout and be taken through paying for your annual dues. Yes, scouting is a year round activity! If cost is a concern, please contact us as we may be able to provide assistance, help spread out payments, find used uniforms for you, or offer opportunities such as fundraisers to help offset these costs.

Once you have completed this, our unit leaders will be notified, will process it and add you to our membership list. You should then start seeing emails to  keep you informed of the many activities for the Pack.

Who We Are

Pack 727 is a traditional Cub Scout pack that was founded in 1998. Most of the membership lives in and around the Melinda Heights area of Rancho Santa Margarita, CA. Many of our members attend Melinda Heights Elementary so you may already know some of them.

We are thankful for our sponsoring organization the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 6024, which helps us bring this great program to many youth. Joining the pack does not require you to have any relationship with the VFW.

What We Do

Typically, we have two formal meetings a month with special activities scattered throughout the year. If you would like, you are welcome to come to one of our meetings, get acclimated and check things out before formally joining.

  • Den Meetings (about 4-8 cubs) - usually once a month. As this is a smaller group it often focuses on advancement, new skills, and achievement activities specific to the age group. Parent/Guardian attendance is not usually required at Den Meetings (except for Lions and Tigers), but is certainly encouraged! Your individual Den Leader can provide more information on when/where these occur as well as information on your individual scout's progress.

  • Pack Meetings (all cubs) - usually the third Sunday of the month in the afternoon. All of the dens (and their families) come together and share in the Scouting spirit! Together, we have special large group activities, games, skills, and awards presented to the scouts.

  • Family Camping - Scouting is an outdoor program. While weekend camp outs occur throughout the year, each summer we have our annual family camp. This camp out is fun for the entire family with many special activities - zip lines, climbing wall, challenge course, archery, BB guns, swimming, gold mining, science activities, and much much more!

  • Blue & Gold - Annually, we celebrate the founding of the BSA. Typically, we have den led carnival games followed by awarding badges of rank.

  • Day Camp - During the summer, cub scouts have the opportunity to attend a week of adventure. Attending will give them a head start on their next rank, form comradery with other scouts, have fun and allow them to achieve special awards.

  • Pinewood Derby - typically February or March. One of the most popular activities of the year! Pinewood derby cars are small wooden models that cubs and their families make. These small cars compete on both design and speed. More information can be found here.

  • Fishing - Annually, our pack embarks on a charter fishing trip. It helps get the boys into the outdoors and teaches them many skills.

  • Service Projects - Doing service together is one way that cubs keep their promise "to help other people." We learn to work together for the benefit of the community.

  • Fundraising - each year, the pack participates in the Scout Popcorn sale. The campaign runs through the Fall and is the main fundraising activity of our Pack. Participation is expected and greatly appreciated. Cubs that participate receive prizes and other recognition. The pack relies heavily on funds generated by this fundraiser as it is the largest source of funding for all Pack activities. More information can be found here.

Pictures and information from our past activities can be found on our social media accounts (links just below). This YouTube video and our Facebook page contain many great pictures from our outings.

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Age Groups (Dens)

Cubs scouts are grouped into dens, which are a small groups of children of the same gender in the same grade level. Typically, 4 to 8 Cub Scouts.

Lions - Kindergartners
An introduction into Cub Scouts with the Lion program. Emphasis is placed on the discovery of new ideas and building strong relationships within the family and with other Cubs. 

Tigers - 1st graders
Wolves - 2nd graders
Bears - 3rd graders
These levels follow a handbook outlining advancement activities and electives. During the den meetings, the cubs are taught the fundamentals of good citizenship and work/playing with others. Arts, crafts, games, skills and field trips are used to learn about nature, health, love and appreciation for our country and balanced living.

Webelos - 4th graders
Arrow of Lights - 5th graders
Our 4th and 5th graders work towards earning the "Arrow of Light" and preparing to enter Scouts BSA. These dens work on various "adventures" with additional outings. Webelos is the beginning of the Scouts BSA program, and achieving the Arrow of Light is recognized throughout one's scouting career - being a part of the Scouts BSA and adult leader uniforms.

Uniform & Handbook

Upon joining, your scout will be provided a Pack 727 T-Shirt, which we wear during more casual activities.  We refer to this as “Class B."

However, you will still need to purchase:

-  A Handbook for your particular age group (Lions, Tigers, Wolves, Bears, Webelos)
-  Cub Scout Uniform (“Class A”)

More information about uniforms, handbooks & purchasing can be found here.

Joining the Pack

If you are ready to join our Cub Scout Pack, you can register at https://BeAScout.org.  Search for Pack 0727 and click APPLY NOW.

You will then provide information on your Scout and be taken through paying for your annual dues. Yes, scouting is a year round activity! If cost is a concern, please contact us as we may be able to provide assistance, help spread out payments, find used uniforms for you, or offer opportunities such as fundraisers to help offset these costs.

Once you have completed this, our unit leaders will be notified, will process it and add you to our membership list. You should then start seeing emails to  keep you informed of the many activities for the Pack.

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