Pack 727

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Keep track of your child's advancement progress in ScoutBook or the official Scouting app.
If you have any questions, please contact your Den Leader for assistance.
Scout Book
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An important aspect of cub scouting is the recognition and rewards for learning and achieving goals pertaining to ranks (Lion, Tiger, Wolf, Bear, and Webelos). Each rank has required adventures that must be met for advancement, as well as many elective adventures to choose from. All of the requirements can be found within the rank's advancement handbook. Scouts will work towards these goals on their own and within their dens throughout the school year.

It is important to realize that each year in cub scouting starts fresh. After earning the Bobcat rank (earned when scouts first join), the rest of the year is spent completing the adventures for their grade level (Tiger rank for 1st graders, for example). Cub scouts advance to higher ranks at the end of the school year, together. Adventures are often part of a group effort, but the scouting journey and rank achievement remains an individual journey at the same time.

Recognizing these achievements is a fundamental aspect of scouting. Scouts will be awarded adventure belt loops the month following their completion. Towards the middle of the school year (March/April), scouts will receive their rank badge to be placed on their uniform.

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